
Ham It Up! Unique Easter Recipes Made With Blenheim Apricots

Spring has surely sprung and with a few rabbit sightings in the Blenheim Apricot orchards it must mean that Easter is right around the corner. To help with your Easter menu planning and basket filling, we’ve lined up our favorite recipes.  Find apricot chocolates and treats for your b
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2023 Season Wrap Up

This fresh apricot season has been a lot different for us than previous years due to the strange weather we have been experiencing, but we were still able to have a successful season because of all of you! Thank you to everyone who came to the farm this year to experience our U-Pick and Vintage
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Vintage Market 2023

B&R Farms loves nothing more than bringing the Vintage Market experience to you along with sharing their love of all things apricot! The Rossi Family has a long history of supporting local small businesses, artisans and independent vendors to their farm to share their products and wares with
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